Monday, April 25, 2011

Amin and Pravin does Cambodia: The Challenge

we hope to reach there soon
After going through so many travels together, we decided to make things a little exciting and challenge ourselves for this next trip...

(drum roles please)

So here we go...

We are going to CAMBODIA without spending any money of our own. Haha we will do our very best to come up with the money needed for this trip - by whatever means possible! :p And we'll ONLY be using those funds. It's gonna be a huge risk; the more we raise, the more we get to do. And obviously, the less we have... well, it won't be the first time I've slept on the bench in a park :p I'm sure the Khmer soldiers will understand...

We wanna see and maybe prove that this can be done! Who says travelling has to be expensive. Firstly, our return tickets costs less than RM60 each! Now, everyone can fly huh :)We're just either adventure junkies or just plain crazy. Maybe a bit of both! Either way, it's gonna be fun!

In this next few weeks, Pravin and I will be collecting recyclable goods, washing cars (and plates), set up a pasar malam stall, do groceries or any other thing for a fee in cash or in kind. If you happen to know anyone in Siem Reap that is willing to put us up for a night (or two) would be just awesome! Maybe if you know a good cheap local restaurant? That'd go a long way too...

We'll be using this blog, along with the usual Facebook and Twitter and such, to communicate and keep you guys updated on how our adventure develops :)

Let the adventures begin!


  1. Sleep? Couchsurfing :p You still have plenty of time to create a profile & let me write a reference saying how horrible you are :)

    If not, I'll check with my ex-monk friends, I think one or two are living in Siem Reap now.

    Last resort, try sleeping in a temple :p

  2. Thanks Gaelle! I think Pravin has an account. Sleeping with the monks sounds pretty cool. Can you hook us up?

    Another alternative is to do volunteer work somewhere. Not too sure on short term tho. Will look into that.
